My past, in paint

Perhaps I’ve been a tad distracted over the years, on some sort of blind mission to find myself, but it recently occurred to me I have paintings no one’s seen. Seems I began writing, jumped in the Pondering Pool and never looked back. I’m now on the precipice of a colossal evolution – every bit of the creativity, knowledge, and experience I’ve garnered thus far is in the boardroom haggling over new possibilities, duking it out for center stage. Damned if I’m getting in the middle of that! Instead, I thought I’d bolster the opposite end of the process – letting go – by releasing some of my unseen paintings for sale, several of which date back to the early nineties when I was still studying with my mentor, Lillias Apland.

A shortish, square-bodied, young-hearted, otherworldly soul, Lillias was a consummate artist and teacher. She literally breathed art until the moment she passed at age 93. She thoroughly appreciated my odd images and was often giddy watching me bring them to life. Still, at times I was a realist, not in my mind, but on canvas. In fact, I was amazed by my ability to paint convincing portraits. That shouldn’t have been a surprise – people fascinate the hell out of me, which made it easy to step inside and feel my way toward a likeness.

The paintings I created while with Lillias provided the foundation for everything that’s come since including writing, sculpting, videos, etc.

It’s remarkable what can be gleaned by reviewing one’s early works. With a deep appreciation for my then whereabouts, I offer you my past, in paint. (I’m also offering good prices, as it’s time to clear my studio for incoming.)

If you’d like to see more of my work please visit:


Sleep interrupted
– oil on masonite – 30 x 20
This is my niece, Taylor, in the middle of the night trying to quench a powerful thirst.
Indeed my favorite portrait because of the subject.

I barely finished Sleep interrupted in 1993, when it was sent off to the Oil Painters of America show…where it sold.  I typically get to spend time with a piece when it’s complete – I was especially disappointed being unable to spend time with Taylor.  She remained in a private collection for over 20 years.  The owners have since passed and the painting is once again on the market through Metier Galleries for $15,000 or best offer. You can check it out at:

Yes, they titled it differently.  Mine’s the real one.


Corrine – oil on masonite – 21.5 x 20
A good friend’s daughter and a beautiful subject whom I painted several times.


Elaine – oil on masonite – 18 x 14
A friend and a favorite subject of my sister, Toby, who’s also a painter.
I’ll have to share her work with you.  It’s incredible!


– oil on canvas – 24 x 18
Karen’s also my niece, by marriage.  Another beautiful subject, her
coloring, eyes, mouth…need I go on?


My Bella – oil on masonite – 30 x 18
This delightful woman was among my mother’s very old black and white photos
yet no one could identify her. While contemplating her title,
her look struck me as familiar. It reminded me of a woman in a piece I wrote,
though she’s not quite as disturbed. Still the name felt appropriate. Here’s an excerpt:

She glares at me as if I’ve eaten her goat!  Does she expect a refund?!  My sick, twisted Bella.  She treats me like a mad child’s toy.  Enough my Bella, enough!